Stephen A. Laico

Warwick, NY | May 19, 1994 | 1920 Mason and Hamlin A

Letter from Stephen A. Laico

Dear Paul,
Sorry for the delay in sending you this letter and the photographs. Things have been quite busy over the last month with the arrival of our first child--a boy named Fletcher Thomas, born on April 22, 1994. As it turns out, Fletcher is also quite fond of the piano. I give him daily recitals which not only improves my repertoire, but also stops him from crying! Had we know, we would have named him Billy Joel Laico.
Let me now reiterate how thrilled I am with the piano. Because of its rich sound and delicate touch, it is a real joy to play. In addition, the piano is really quite elegant. Many visitors have commented on its spectacular appearance and beautiful sound. You certainly have done a superior rebuilding job.