Ellen Hori

South River, NJ | May 18, 2005 | 1888 Mathushek

Letter from Ellen Hori

Dear Mr. Lindeblad,
You may recall from our first conversation that the piano you have restored for me was going to be thrown out by my church, since it had not been cared for in so many years, and was covered with such an unattractive (to say the least) paint job. But I could see past the ugly exterior; I was amazed at the beauty of the carved legs, fretwork and other intricate details. I knew I needed to find someone who could so this piano justice. This was an instrument that needed not only expertise but extreme TLC! After searching online for piano restorers, I came across your website. I read everything, went on the virtual tour, and was convinced. As I have mentioned to you, your statement, we love antique pianos was very important for me.
When the piano was delivered to my home I was amazed! The rosewood cabinet seemed to be glowing! I couldn't believe that there was not a speck of that old white paint in any of the tiny crevices. Your work is impeccable.
And what a delight to play! It's hard to believe this piano is 117 years old. This past Sunday we had a special fellowship at my home after our church service, and everyone was astounded that this was the same piano that was going to be discarded. It was a joy to see people appreciate the incredible restoration work and having so much fun trying it out. Everyone was asking, Who did this? and so I told them about the four generations of the Lindeblad family who have been in this business. I also made a simple display of the photographs you sent of the work in progress.
I would recommend your company to anyone who is interested in purchasing a restored piano or having their own restored. They could not go wrong. I thank you again for the care and attention to detail that was put into this restoration work.
Ellen Hori